Hagersville Skating Club
Hagersville Memorial ArenaThe Hagersville Skating Club is a non-profit organization sanctioned by Skate Canada. The club was established in 1963, and has proudly served Hagersville and it's surrounding communities for 60 years.
Over the years our coaches have worked with thousands of students, taking them to all different levels of skating including Provincial Championships and the NHL!
The Hagersville Skating Club offers three main programs, which are subdivided into levels. CanSkate, CanPowerSkate, and STARSkate.
The programs offered by the Hagersville Skating Club are coached by Professional NCCP Certified Coaches that are in good standing with Skate Canada.
The club operates year-round programs for many ages and stages of skaters. For beginners, we offer CanSkate Learn to Skate programs in the Fall and Winter sessions. Our STARSkate Figure Skating programs are offered year-round. We also offer a PreSTAR program for young skaters that have completed CanSkate and wish to move into STARSkate, but still would like small group coaching. Fall and Winter sessions are at our home arena in Hagersville, and we run our own Spring School out of the Haldimand County Caledonia Centre (HCCC) arena in Caledonia. We are also well known for our PowerSkate programs, which also run year-round, Fall and Winter in Hagersville, and Spring and Summer at the HCCC.