STARSkate is our figure skating programs that is for skaters who have completed CanSkate and want to continue to learn new and more complex skating elements. Our programs follow the program structure offered by Skate Canada nationally, and vary from recreational skating to Competitive Figure Skating on the provincial stage. We divide our STARSkaters into groups, depending on their age and STARSkate level.
The PreSTAR program is designed for CanSkate skaters who are ready to move on to more advanced Figure Skating skills, but are not ready to move into the StarSkate program. In a 50 minute session, skaters will work with a coach for 30 minutes and a PA for 20 minutes in a small group setting, to learn preliminary skills and guide them towards the StarSkate program.
The PreSTAR program can also be combined with CanSkate session, or a 1 hour Junior session for those who would benefit from more ice time. PreSTAR + CanSkate would be ideal for the new PreSTAR skaters, and PreSTAR + Junior would be for a 2nd year PreSTAR preparing to move into Junior.