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COVID-19 Protocols


Click on the link below to find the Haldimand County Arena Re-opening protocols.

Updated September 9, 2021



Government of Ontario:  Rules for Areas at Step 3


Government of Ontario :  Proof of Vaccination Guidance for Businesses and Organizations under the Ontario Re-Opening Act






Canadian Tire Jumpstart Sport Relief Fund Recipient

Youth sports organizations were greatly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.  In the spring of 2020, all organized youth sports were halted in efforts to keep our youth safe.  In efforts to re-open safely, many new restrictions were put in place.  These restrictions reduced ice time and number of participants.

Canadian Tire has been a great support to youth sports organizations across Canada.  Through their Jumpstart program, they offer individual support for families that cannot afford the full costs of registrations and equipment.  For years, families in need could apply for individual and confidential support.  Our own club have had members supported by the Jumpstart program.

In the fall of 2020, Canadian Tire expanded the Jumpstart funding, and entire organizations could apply for grants through the Jumpstart Sport Relief Fund.

The Hagersville Skating Club was fortunate to receive a $10,000 grant from the Jumpstart Sport Relief Fund.  This grant was put toward keeping our fees at a pre-pandemic rate, despite our lower membership due to the pandemic and number restrictions.  We were also able to purchase items necessary for the change in program delivery.

We would like to thank Canadian Tire for their support of youth organized sports!

Click on the link below to apply for individual Canadian Tire Jumpstart funding.  This funding can be applied to any of our programs.  If you have any questions, please email us at